Sunday, July 11, 2010


This one is a conglomeration of important events that have occured in my life. These include experiences from my mission, school, and others and all under the back drop of climbing Mt. Sinai to see the sunrise. Each time I try to climb what seems to be a huge mountain, I find help and hope that gets me to where I need to be. I need to work on this more, I've only shared this with 2 friends, I owe many thanks to them. I hope one day the words will reflect my feelings about how grateful I am for divine help.

Oft times I've set out on my own
And found a place where Thou hast shown.
Mysteries and miracles and treasures unknown.

At times the journey seemed tiresome and long.
Yet always, the darkness was chased by the dawn.
And so I carried on.

This path marked by solitude, rocks, silence and dust
Couldn't be trod without risks, so hope was a must.
I was and am forever in Thy trust.

My biggest fear was uncertainty.
Yet when I would fall Thy invisible hand would carry me.
To the peak where I could see deep golden rays of eternity.

Sleep had now fled from my eyes
No longer focused on things below, they reached the skies.
Realizing this was where every honest heart flies.

The brilliant horizon gleamed with infinite heights
To be reached by others in search of the light.
With this thought a tear escaped my eyes.

So now illuminated with the rays of Thy Son,
I knew thy will was to be done.
Now each new day the sunrise beckons, Come.

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